February 12th Review

Hello everyone! We had yet another exciting day at our usual spot. We had some cool new games and crafts to share as well, take a look!

Riki introduced a game which can be played in various ways, but the one specified was more like UNO. It involves using his designed flash cards:

Craig introduced a very awesome craft which he called “The One Cut Heart.” I will try to demonstrate how to do it in this following video:

Craig also introduced us to a fabulous remixed version of most nursery rhymes called “Mother Goose Rocks.” I’d highly suggest it to any and everyone!

Antonella introduced some beautiful heart Origami, however, I myself could not do it because I am a butthead 😦 (Anthony.)

Antonella also introduced to us a great book called “Hannah’s Collection” which involves a nice mix of counting, phonics, common child oriented collectibles and other varieties and diverse additions.

(Click here for more information or to buy it.)

I suppose we all came to a conclusion that when using Rock, Paper Scissors in a game that’s somewhat Chutes and Ladders oriented, it’d best to use the formation like so:

So that pretty much wraps up most of what we did this month. Stay tuned till next month’s official date. March’s lineup is as follows

MC: Craig
Song: Riki
Activities: Grace and Riki
Grace: Book

Till then… Peace out, and keep educatin’ the youngin’s minds!

January 15th Meeting Review

Diep presented the 7 steps song warm up song, using these cute little bell instruments.  Very cute!!

Mami presented these cards to us.  She read out an occupation and the kids had to find their corresponding work place.  Cards were something like 500 yen.

Mami introduce an activity using the phrase “Have some…..”

We all look forward till the next meeting, so stay tuned into the Facebook group as well as email. Have a great day!