Monthly Archives: February 2011

February meeting notes

For all of those who missed yesterday’s meeting–bummer for you!
Not only was the meeting chalk full of activities for your classes,

but the chocolate treats we enjoyed afterwards were SO ymmy!!

Thanks to all who came and next time don’t miss out!! Notes on the meeting will be in the regulars lounge. Password will be sent to members via email!
Happy Valentines Day


Hello, to all of you who have checked this blog only to find the last post was September 2010!! Holy jeez, it’s been a long time. Apologies to all and promises to be a good PR girl and keep the blog recent!
So what have we been up to, you might ask? Well, we had a great meeting last month with a wonderful guest, Chris Hunt. Not only did the staff enjoy a great lunch with him, but the group as a whole group was treated to his interesting approach to teaching. His years as a game developer shows through in his theories on teaching. Thank you to Chris again, and we hope to see you in future!

Next, our February meeting. Information is as follows:

Feb 13th (Sunday) 1:30–3:30
Price: 1,000 yen
Place: Amikasu

Please bring a friend. And lots of chocolate. For me, Miki. (Ok, just kidding, no on the chocolate, yes on the friends!) I will bring something chocolate for all attendees to enjoy!


PRの嬢様 (ACET’s PR Queen)
Miki Inosaka